Intervention Strategy



The concept of Development carries the attached adjectives of Inclusiveness and Sustainability with it. This could only be achieved with participation of the local community during different intervention stages. Our strategy for the development of any brethren is well described in the picture. With the identification of the problem, we capacitate the local community regarding the nature of the problem and the ways to combat the problem. With the participation of the beneficiaries, we go for participatory planning which includes the resources availability and accessibility. The planning is done at the family basis as well as at plot basis. Ensuring the convergence and support of different agencies available, we counter the problem and convert the same into the opportunity for the local people. During the process, the beneficiaries become capable of identification and addressing the problems they face collectively.

The strategies of SARDA could be well described as:

  • Organizing rural community into village level organizations/Institutions so as to identify, analyze and plan development activities through their participation.
  • Formulating and implementing natural resource management program through people’s participation.
  • To develop linkage between Government Organization – NGO – Villagers.
  • To act as a facilitator in the field and grass root level , to promote convergence of Govt. programs
  • Formulating a system where village level organizations conduct monthly meetings and convert problems into opportunities
  • Capacity building of natural social workers and village level institutions through various training program, exposure trips and information dissemination.

Locate us


Head & Regional Office for Chhattisgarh & Odisha:

C/O SARDA Bhawan,

Chhotki Murram, Ramgarh Cantt. Dist-Ramgarh, Pin-829122

Mobile No. -9431146129, 9431146893


Regional office for Bihar , Uttar Pradesh and Jammu& Kashmir

Near Supriya’s Ram Raj Villa Apartment, National seed Co-operation Road, Shashtri Nagar Market, Shekhpura, Patna -14, Bihar


Regional Office for Madhya Pradesh:



Gram Harranala, Block – Baihar, District- Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh, Pin- 481105


Regional Office for Maharashtra



Vill-Wajbori, Katol Road, Block-Katol, District-Nagpur, Landmark-Hirantal Farm, Pincode- 441302, Maharashtra

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