

With a vision to contribute in achieving Millennium Development Goals by alleviating rural poverty through promotion of sustainable integrated development & village management, a visionary man Mr. N.P.Singh, Managing Director cum Secretary of SARDA initiated a small step in 2001 is now being recognized as National Level NGO working for the upliftment for Community in complete dedication and conviction.
The MDGs commit to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women. SARDA in the last 16 years is working in coordination with various stakeholders including Central and State Government, development agencies, CSR groups and community for the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). SARDA’s vision is of India free of hunger and poverty, where agriculture contributes to improving the living standards of all in an environmentally sustainable way.
In keeping to its mandate and expertise SARDA’s contribution is to Goal 1 which combines the reduction of poverty with that of Hunger. The Organization also makes significant contribution to Goal 7 of ensuring environmental sustainability. It also facilitates access to resources and skill up gradation towards achieving Goal 3 of promoting Gender Equality and empowering women. SARDA’s work of reducing hunger and poverty has significant contribution on other goals of MDG. Post 2015 with the declaration of SDG 2030, SARDA strive to realize the SDG 2030’s agenda’ of dignity for all.
SARDA contribution towards achieving MDG can be appreciated by it’s achievement in the last 16 years, which includes, creating and ensuring sustained livelihood alternatives for more than 2 lac vulnerable families across 5 states of India, Promoting Watershed Program in about 40 000 Hectares of Land, Plantation of more than 16 lacs of fruit and timber trees, Successfully promotion of livelihood options among 20 thousand indigenous and tribal families, promotion of 12 thousand women SHGs , Ensured Irrigation in more than 2000 acres of Land Area, conversion of more than 3000 acres of waste land etc.
In the last 16 years, SARDA has established itself as a pioneer organization capable of bringing out the required outcome and impact from implementation of antipoverty programs of Government. SARDA’s working approach , community engagement model, use of updated technological application, innovative and strategic approach in achieving significant and sustainable development solutions is appreciated and applauded by all its stakeholders, which gives SARDA a unique identity of a highly committed and professional Agency.

Locate us


Head & Regional Office for Chhattisgarh & Odisha:

C/O SARDA Bhawan,

Chhotki Murram, Ramgarh Cantt. Dist-Ramgarh, Pin-829122

Mobile No. -9431146129, 9431146893


Regional office for Bihar , Uttar Pradesh and Jammu& Kashmir

Near Supriya’s Ram Raj Villa Apartment, National seed Co-operation Road, Shashtri Nagar Market, Shekhpura, Patna -14, Bihar


Regional Office for Madhya Pradesh:



Gram Harranala, Block – Baihar, District- Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh, Pin- 481105


Regional Office for Maharashtra



Vill-Wajbori, Katol Road, Block-Katol, District-Nagpur, Landmark-Hirantal Farm, Pincode- 441302, Maharashtra

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